So far his life goes,practically nothing is knowing of his early years.It is fairly certain that he was born of a middle class Brahmin family in a small town in hyderabad state. Possibly his parents died when he was young, because at very early age he left home to follow a Muslim Fakir. A few year later the fakir died and he joined a Hindu guru . He was deeply attached to his Guru , whom he referred to by the affectionate diminutive of "Venkusa".He has told the story of how they met and of thier life together.
Once I was discussing the Puranas and other works we were reading with three friends and aruging how to attain realization
One said that we should depend on ourselves not on Guru, because Gita says "Raise yourself"
The third said that forms are always changing and the Formless is unchanging, so we must constantly make distinction between the Eternal and the tarnsitory.
"The fourth disliked theory. He said Let us simply do iur duty and surrender our whole life and body and speech to Guru who is all pervading. Faith in him is all that is needed"
"As we roamed through the forest we met a labourer who asked us where were we going in the heat of the day and warned us that we should get lost in trackless and for no purpose. He invited us to stay and share his food, but rejected his offer and advice and walked on. And in fact we did lose our way in that vast,dense forest.
'He met us a second time and said that we had got lost through trusting to our own skill and that we needed a guide. Again he invited us to share his food, telling us that such an offer was auspicious and should not be spurined however we again declined his invitaion and conitued our way. Only I felt hungry and went back and accepted a piece of bread from him and drank some water.
Then the Guru appreaed and asked what we were aruging about and I told him all about what we were aruging about and how no respect, but I bowed down to him revrently. Then he took me to a well, tied my legs with a rope, and suspended me head downwards from a tree that was growing beside it. My head was about three feet above the water, so that i could not reach it.My Guru left me there and five hour later and asked me how i was geeting on. I was delighted with me and embraced me, passing great love and made me his disciple, whereupon I entirely forgot my mother and father and all my desires.
I loved to gaze on him. I had no eyes except for him. i did not want to go back .I forgot evrything but the Guru. My whole life was concentrated in my sight on him. He was the obejct of my meditions.In silence I bowed down.
This is typical Sai baba account because the whole story is symbolical. The forest is the jungle of the mind in which the quest for Truth takes place, and the four friends and four miodes of approach.The labourer is Guru and the food he offers is his Grace.The Guru appeared means that after the youth has acccepted the food he discovers that the giver of it really is the the divine Guru.
Once I was discussing the Puranas and other works we were reading with three friends and aruging how to attain realization
One said that we should depend on ourselves not on Guru, because Gita says "Raise yourself"
The third said that forms are always changing and the Formless is unchanging, so we must constantly make distinction between the Eternal and the tarnsitory.
"The fourth disliked theory. He said Let us simply do iur duty and surrender our whole life and body and speech to Guru who is all pervading. Faith in him is all that is needed"
"As we roamed through the forest we met a labourer who asked us where were we going in the heat of the day and warned us that we should get lost in trackless and for no purpose. He invited us to stay and share his food, but rejected his offer and advice and walked on. And in fact we did lose our way in that vast,dense forest.
'He met us a second time and said that we had got lost through trusting to our own skill and that we needed a guide. Again he invited us to share his food, telling us that such an offer was auspicious and should not be spurined however we again declined his invitaion and conitued our way. Only I felt hungry and went back and accepted a piece of bread from him and drank some water.
Then the Guru appreaed and asked what we were aruging about and I told him all about what we were aruging about and how no respect, but I bowed down to him revrently. Then he took me to a well, tied my legs with a rope, and suspended me head downwards from a tree that was growing beside it. My head was about three feet above the water, so that i could not reach it.My Guru left me there and five hour later and asked me how i was geeting on. I was delighted with me and embraced me, passing great love and made me his disciple, whereupon I entirely forgot my mother and father and all my desires.
I loved to gaze on him. I had no eyes except for him. i did not want to go back .I forgot evrything but the Guru. My whole life was concentrated in my sight on him. He was the obejct of my meditions.In silence I bowed down.
This is typical Sai baba account because the whole story is symbolical. The forest is the jungle of the mind in which the quest for Truth takes place, and the four friends and four miodes of approach.The labourer is Guru and the food he offers is his Grace.The Guru appeared means that after the youth has acccepted the food he discovers that the giver of it really is the the divine Guru.